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End Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution and production is destroying our health and Earth's ecosystems, which we need to live.

Vinyl chloride fact sheet (Beyond Plastics, 2023)
Vinyl Chloride (IARC monograph, 2012)
PVC Poison Plastic (Toxic-Free Futures, 2023)
U.S. EPA Takes First Step in Potentially Banning Vinyl Chloride (Beyond Plastics, 12/14/23)
Chemical plant emissions driving cancer risk near Western Kentucky elementary, EPA says (Louisville Courier-Journal, 1/24/24)
Toxic Cargo: How rail transport of vinyl chloride puts millions at risk, an analysis one year after the Ohio train derailment (Toxic-Free Future, 2024)
Millions of Americans face risk of a toxic ‘bomb train’ (Washington Post, 1/29/24)
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